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Step 3: Solutions

Here’s what to do now that you’ve identified your issue and reviewed your legal obligations.

  • Describe your situation
  • I am being harassed by another owner, occupant, employee or representative of the condo corporation

Keep track of the issue

Keep a record of what you’ve been experiencing with as much detail as possible.

Date and time

Type of harassment issue

Who you think might be causing the issue

Any other details that may be relevant

Determine who may be causing the issue

It may not be obvious who is harassing you in the case of verbal harassment. It may not be clear whether the harassment is from a specific condo owner, occupant, tenant or guest or an employee of the corporation.

Check the condo corporation’s records of owners and mortgagees and leased units to determine the unit number and if the person is an owner or occupant.

Use the mandatory Request for Records form or contact your condo corporation directly.

Contact those responsible

Only contact your harasser if you feel safe and comfortable doing so. Otherwise contact your condo corporation directly.

Speak to the other owner or occupant or condo representative you suspect is harassing you because they may not know that you feel harassed. Speaking to them about the issue may resolve it quickly.

Use one of our letter templates if you do not feel comfortable speaking to them in person or if you’ve spoken to them already and the issue has not been resolved. Copy the owner, occupant or condo corporation to notify them of the issue and give them an opportunity to address it. Keep a copy, noting the date and time.

Your condominium corporation is legally required to take action to address a harassment-related issue that violates the Condo Act or the condo corporation’s governing documents.

You can still raise the issue with your condo corporation if you don’t know who is harassing you. You may want to contact your condo corporation’s board of directors directly if the harassment involves your condo manager or an employee or representative of the condo corporation.

Follow up

Follow up with the responsible unit owner, occupant or your condo corporation with another letter if you’ve given them a reasonable opportunity to respond but the issue has not been resolved.

Use the following templates for letters to owners, occupants or your condo corporation when trying to resolve an issue. Make sure you keep a copy of your letter with the date and time you sent it.

What if these steps don’t resolve my issue?

You may be able to file an application with the Condominium Authority Tribunal if you’ve tried all the steps above and the harassment issue has continued and if your condo corporation’s governing documents have provisions about harassment.

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