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Step 3: Find solutions

Here’s what to do now that you’ve identified your issue and reviewed your legal obligations.

  • Describe your situation
  • Another condo unit owner, the condo manager or the condo corporation has contacted me about an infestation issue

Determine why you’ve been contacted about the issue

Another owner or occupant or the condo corporation may contact you if they believe that your unit is infested or is contributing to an infestation in the building. They may request that you take immediate steps to remove the infestation from your unit. They may also contact you regarding the costs they incurred due to an infestation that spread from your unit.

Your condo corporation can take steps to enforce compliance if it has a provision in its governing documents about infestations that you have not followed. This may include a letter from their legal counsel.

You may wish to ask your condo manager or board if you do not know why you’ve been contacted. You should also check your condo corporation’s governing documents to see if they contain any provisions dealing with infestations.

Determine what to do next

You must comply with the Condo Act and your condo corporation’s governing documents and any provisions regarding infestations. You should take steps to contain any infestation in your condo unit and prevent it from spreading.

You could also try to have the infestation provisions in your condo corporation’s governing documents amended but you must still comply with them in the meantime.

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